Explaining Sahih Muslim Book 3 – Hadith 127-136
Explaining Sahih
Muslim Book 3 - Hadith 127-136
Chapter 27: Hides
of dead animals are purified by tanning.
freed slave-girl of Maimuna was given a goat in charity but it died. The
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) happened to pass by that (carcass). Upon this be said:
did you not take off its skin? You could put it to use, after tanning it. They
(the Companions) said: It was dead. Upon, this he (the Messenger of Allah)
said: Only its eating is prohibited. Abu bakr and Ibn Umar in their narrations
said: It is narrated from Maimuna (may Allah be pleased with her). (Explaining
Sahih Muslim Book 3 - Hadith 127)
Ibn 'Abbas said:
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) saw a dead goat, which had been given in charity to the
freed slave-girl of Maimuna. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: Why don't you
make use of its skin? They (the Companions around the Holy Prophet) said: It is
dead. Upon this he said: It is the eating (of the dead animal) which is
prohibited. (Explaining
Sahih Muslim Book 3 - Hadith 128)
This hadith is narrated by Ibn Shihab
with the same chain of transmitters as transmitted by Yunus. (Explaining
Sahih Muslim Book 3 - Hadith 129)
Ibn Abbas
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) happened to pass by a goat thrown (away) which had been
in fact given to the freed slave-girl of Maimuna as charity. Upon this the
Messenger of Allah (Peace Be upon Him) said: Why did they not get its skin?
They had better tan it and make use of it. (Explaining
Sahih Muslim Book 3 - Hadith 130)
reported on the authority of Maimuna that someone amongst the wives of the
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) had a domestic animal and it died. Upon this the
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
Why did you not
take off its skin and make use of that? (Explaining
Sahih Muslim Book 3 - Hadith 131)
Ibn 'Abbas reported:
Apostle of Allah (ﷺ) happened to pass by (the dead body) of the goat which
belonged to the freed slave-girl of Maimuna and said: Why did you not make use
of its skin? (Explaining
Sahih Muslim Book 3 - Hadith 132)
Abdullah b. Abbas
I heard the
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: When the skin is tanned it becomes purified. (Explaining
Sahih Muslim Book 3 - Hadith 133)
This hadith has been transmitted on
the authority of Ibn 'Abbas by another chain of transmitters. (Explaining
Sahih Muslim Book 3 - Hadith 134)
Abu al-Khair
saw Ibn Wa'la al-Saba'i wear a fur. I touched it. He said: Why do you touch it?
I asked Ibn 'Abbas saying: We are the inhabitants of the western regions, and
there (live) with us Berbers and Magians. They bring with them rams and
slaughter them, but we do not eat (the meat of the animals) slaughtered by
them, and they come with skins full of fat. Upon this Ibn 'Abbas said: We asked
the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) about this and he said: Its tanning makes it pure. (Explaining
Sahih Muslim Book 3 - Hadith 135)
Ibn Wa'la
al-Saba'i reported:
asked 'Abdullah b. 'Abbas saying: We are the inhabitants of the western
regions. The Magians come to us with skins full of water and fat. He said:
Drink. I said to him: Is it your own opinion? Ibn Abbas said: I heard the
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: Tanning purifies it (the skin). (Explaining
Sahih Muslim Book 3 - Hadith 136)
Explaining Sahih Muslim Book 3 - Hadith 123-126 - SOLTLANE
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