Explaining Sahih Muslim Book 1 – Hadith 330-335
Explaining Sahih
Muslim Book 1 - Hadith 330-335
Chapter 75:
Mentioning Al-Masih Son of Mariam and Al-Masih ad-Dajjal
It is narrated on
the authority of 'Abdullah b. Umar that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
found myself one night near the Ka'bah, and I saw a man with wheat complexion
amongst the fair-complexioned men that you ever saw. He had a lock of hair the
most beautiful of the locks that you ever saw. He had combed it. Water was
trickling out of them. He was leaning on two men, or on the shoulders of two
men, and he was circumscribing the Ka'bah. I asked, What is he? It was said: He
is al-Masih son of Mary. Then I saw another person, stout and having too much
curly hair, and blind in his right eye as if it was a full swollen grape. I
asked Who is he? It was said: He is al-Masih al-Dajjal. (Explaining
Sahih Muslim Book 1 - Hadith 330)
is narrated on the authority of 'Abdulldh b. Umar that one day the Messenger of
Allah (ﷺ) mentioned in the presence of people about al-Masih al-Dajjal. He
Allah (hallowed be He and High) is not blind of one eye. Behold, but the Masih
al-Dajjal is blind of right eye as if his eye is like a swollen grape, and the
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: I was shown in a dream in the night that near the
Ka'bah there was a man fair-complexioned, fine amongst the white-complexioned
men that you ever saw, his locks of hair were falling on his shoulders. He was
a man whose hair were neither too curly nor too straight, and water trickled
down from his head. He was placing his bands on the shoulders of two persons
and amidst them was making a circuit around the Ka'bah. I said: Who is he? They
replied: Al-Masih son of Mary. And I saw behind him a man with intensely curly
hair, blind of right eye. Amongst the persons I have ever seen Ibn Qatan has
the greatest resemblance with him. He was making a circuit around the Ka'bah by
placing both his hands on the shoulders of two persons. I said: Who is he? They
said; It is al-Masih al-Dajjal. (Explaining
Sahih Muslim Book 1 - Hadith 331)
It is narrated on
the authority of Ibn 'Umar that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
saw near the Ka'bah a man of fair complexion with straight hair, placing his
hands on two persons. Water was flowing from his head or it was trickling from
his head. I asked: Who is he? They said: He is Jesus son of Mary or al-Masih
son of Mary. The narrator) says: I do not remember which word it was. He (the
Holy Prophet) said: And I saw behind him a man with red complexion and thick
curly hair, blind in the right eye. I saw in him the greatest resemblance with
Ibn Qitan I asked: Who is he? They replied: It is al-Masih al-Dajjal. (Explaining
Sahih Muslim Book 1 - Hadith 332)
It is narrated on
the authority of Jabir b. 'Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
the Quraish belied me, I was staying in Hatim and Allah lifted before me
Bait-ul-Maqdis and I began to narrate to them (the Quraish of Mecca) its signs
while I was in fact looking at it. (Explaining
Sahih Muslim Book 1 - Hadith 333)
reported on the authority of his father 'Umar b. Khattab that he heard from the
Messenger of Allah (may peace he upon him) say:
was sleeping when I saw myself making circuit around the Ka'bah, and I saw
there a man of fair complexion with straight hair between two men. Water was
flowing from his head or water was falling from his head. I said: Who is he?
They answered: He is the son of Mary. Then I moved forward and cast a glance
and there was a bulky man of red complexion with thick locks of hair on his
head, blind of one eye as it his eye was a swollen grape. I asked: Who is he?
They said: He is Dajjal. He had close resemblance with Ibn Qatan amongst men. (Explaining
Sahih Muslim Book 1 - Hadith 334)
It is narrated on
the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
I found myself in Hijr and the Quraish were asking me about my might journey. I was asked about things pertaining to Bait-ul-Maqdis which I could not preserve (in my mind). I was very much vexed, so vexed as I had never been before. Then Allah raised it (Bait-ul-Maqdis) before my eyes. I looked towards it, and I gave them the information about whatever they questioned me I also saw myself among the group of apostles. I saw Moses saying prayer and found him to be a well-built man as if he was a man of the tribe of Shanu'a. I saw Jesus son of Mary (peace be upon him) offering prayer, of all of men he had the closest resemblance with 'Urwa b. Masu'd al-Thaqafi. I saw Ibrahim (peace be upon him) offering prayer; he had the closest resemblance with your companion (the Prophet himself) amongst people. When the time of prayer came I led them. When I completed the prayer, someone said: Here is Malik, the keeper of the Hell; pay him salutations. I turned to him, but he preceded me in salutation. (Explaining Sahih Muslim Book 1 - Hadith 335)
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