Surah Aḍ-Ḍuḥā

Surah Aḍ-Ḍuḥā


In The Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


By the forenoon (after sun-rise); (Quran Surah Aḍ-Ḍuḥā 93:1)


And by the night when it is still (or darkens); (Quran 93:2)


Your Lord (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) has neither forsaken you nor hated you. (Quran 93:3)


And indeed the Hereafter is better for you than the present (life of this world). (Quran 93:4)


And verily, your Lord will give you (all i.e. good) so that you shall be well-pleased. (Quran 93:5)


Did He not find you (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) an orphan and gave you a refuge? (Quran 93:6)


And He found you unaware (of the Quran, its legal laws, and Prophethood, etc.) and guided you? (Quran 93:7)


And He found you poor, and made you rich (selfsufficient with selfcontentment, etc.)? (Quran 93:8)


Therefore, treat not the orphan with oppression, (Quran 93:9)


And repulse not the beggar; (Quran 93:10)


And proclaim the Grace of your Lord (i.e. the Prophethood and all other Graces). (Quran 93:11)


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