In Islam, Prophet Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him), known as Prophet Isa (عيسى), holds a place of immense reverence and respect. He is considered one of the five great prophets sent by Allah (SWT) to guide humanity, alongside Moses, Abraham, Ishmael, and Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Them).

Miraculous Birth and Early Life:

  • Unlike the Christian narrative, the Quran emphasizes the miraculous birth of Jesus not as the son of God, but as a human being blessed by Allah (SWT).
  • Chapter 3 of the Quran recounts the story of Mary (Peace Be Upon Her), chosen by Allah (SWT) for a special purpose. An angel brings her the glad tidings of a blessed son conceived through the breath of Allah (SWT), a miraculous event signifying his chosen status.
  • Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) is portrayed as a righteous child filled with wisdom and grace from a young age. He speaks in the cradle, defending his mother’s purity and proclaiming his prophetic mission.

Mission and Teachings:

  • Prophet Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) was sent to the Children of Israel to confirm and revive the teachings of the Torah. He preached monotheism, emphasizing the oneness of Allah (SWT) and rejecting any form of idolatry.
  • His teachings focused on love, compassion, and forgiveness. He advocated for justice for the oppressed, care for the poor and marginalized, and living a life of righteousness and piety.
  • Miracles played a significant role in Jesus’ (Peace Be Upon Him) mission. The Quran mentions several miracles, including healing the sick, raising the dead, and giving life to clay birds. These miracles served as signs of Allah’s (SWT) power and potwierdziły prawdziwość Jezusowego proroctwa.

Differences from Christian Interpretations:

  • One key difference between Islamic and Christian beliefs lies in the nature of Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him). Muslims revere him as a human prophet, chosen and blessed by Allah (SWT), but reject the concept of him being divine or the son of God.
  • The Quran also denies the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him). It states that Allah (SWT) raised him up into heaven before the Jews could harm him, and that he will return to Earth before the Day of Judgment.

Significance in Islam:

  • Prophet Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) remains a beloved figure in Islamic tradition. Muslims hold him in high esteem, reciting blessings upon him whenever his name is mentioned.
  • His teachings on love, mercy, and justice continue to inspire Muslims in their daily lives. His life story serves as a reminder of Allah’s (SWT) power and the importance of faith and obedience.
  • The Quran emphasizes the connection between Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) and Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), recognizing both as prophets sent by the same God with a message of guidance for humanity.

In conclusion, Prophet Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) occupies a unique and cherished position in Islam. He is revered as a righteous prophet, a miracle worker, and a messenger of Allah’s (SWT) love and mercy. His life and teachings continue to guide and inspire Muslims around the world, serving as a bridge of understanding and respect between Islam and other Abrahamic faiths.

Stories of the Prophets (peace be upon them) – SOLTLANE


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